Discipleship Part 7

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  John 8:31-32
Today's message is all about being set free.  This passage, John 8:31-32, is talked about a lot in churches.  Knowing the truth (v 32) will undoubtedly set you free.  There is so much in this world that we cling to.  Just turn on the TV and you'll likely see something that catches your eye; something that you just can't live without.  Just imagine that as Christ followers, we are challenged with worldly things.  Now, think of someone that hasn’t yet received Jesus as their Lord and Savior…just imagine what they are going through without knowing the truth.  You can ask anyone that has received God’s gift of salvation and they will all tell you that the second they placed their burdens at the feet of Jesus, they were literally set free.

There are some people in this world that haven’t yet heard the truth of Jesus Christ.  These people need to be freed from their burdens and cling to a new life in Christ.  As deliberate disciples for Jesus Christ, that’s where we come in.  Our job is to go out and make disciples (Matthew 28).  Really, our job is to plant the seed in their heart and then turn it over to God to get the tree of life to grow (through prayer).

Be deliberate in your reflection.  Who is that one person that you’ve been praying for?  A family member?  A friend?  Co-worker?  Whoever it is, you must be deliberate in your discipleship.  Just praying for them, while necessary and good, you must also show them the love of Christ.  One of the greatest witnessing tools I have ever used is to tell my story.  We all have stories and, for the most part, our stories don’t always start off great.  Maybe you were an alcoholic, troubled teen that, on a whim, accepted your friend’s repeated request to go to church with them.  Once there, you heard the youth pastor preach a relevant message that struck a chord in your heart.  You immediately fell to your knees and asked Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life and haven’t looked back since.  Yeah, that’s my story—there’s a lot more to it, but I’ll save that for the people I’ve been praying for.

Being a deliberate disciple for Jesus Christ is a full-time job.  They salary is the best in the business.  Okay, you don’t get money, but you are given the opportunity to save people’s lives as much and as often as you want.  That’s payment enough for me!  Continue praying and continue telling your story to those that will listen.  Leading people to the Lord is absolutely the best, most rewarding job I have ever had the privilege to hold.  I hope it’s your favorite job, too!  So get out there, Christian, and do your job—set people free by showing them the truth!