Living as the Church // Life in the Church

I drive a truck. It has a steering wheel, tires, mirrors, transmission, an engine, and needs oil and gas every once in a while. If I was getting ready to leave and noticed that the tires were missing from my truck, it would be a challenge to go anywhere using it, right? What if I had the tires but the battery was missing? Yep, it would also be a challenge to use it. You see, just like my truck needs essential components in order to operate properly, the church needs its essential components to operate. What are the church's components? you and me--US! We, together, are integral components of the church. We must work together in order to fulfill God's commands to the church.

It would be inappropriate to suggest that we'll always agree. I think the one thing that we can all agree on is that our mission, as commanded by God, is to make disciples of all nations--be His disciple. In order to be an effective disciple, we must work together as a team. The church is an amazing vehicle that is absolutely essential as part of the discipleship process.

Before we started attending Cornerstone, I was missing something significant. I was missing a church that I could call home. I attended church regularly, but I wasn't really "there," if you know what I mean. I went to church to "fill up" so I could drive the rest of the week until I needed to "fill up" again the following Sunday. My priorities, as it came to church, were not in order. I was trying to do things individually instead of trusting the other components (people) of the church to help my family and I do life and disciple others. When we started to attend Cornerstone, we immediately realized that church wasn't about us, it was about God. This understanding of church was further solidified when I read an amazing book called "I Am A Church Member." This book was an awesome reminder that "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." (1 Corinthians 12:27) As I said, church isn't about you, me, the style of music or any other type of self-serving attitude. Church is about being part of the church. As a member of the church body, we are to serve others and serve Christ--together. That's what this chapter of Multiply is all about; we can't go at it alone, believe me, I tried and I failed. Church is meant to be done together. Jesus said, "For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them." (Matthew 19:20). As said in the movie "God's Not Dead," those words are written in red, so you know they're important. So, in addition to the Multiply study, I would encourage you vigorously to pick up a copy of "I Am A Church Member." I don't read a whole lot, but I read this book in one's that good--and life changing.

We're lucky, church family. The leadership of this church is absolutely passionate about creating disciples and nurturing us as we build our discipleship skills. This Multiply class is a perfect example. This church-wide initiative to help us all learn more about discipleship and, in the process, get better at making disciples, shows where the heart of this church is at. We're doing this study as a church because discipleship about being the church; it's about being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ while on this earth. The Holy Spirit within us gives us the power to help people know, understand, and place their trust in the Savior of the universe. There's a huge party in heaven every single time someone places their trust in's proof:

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. (Luke 15:7)

Don't try to do church as an individual. Discipleship is about being together. Lets join forces and make disciples of all nations, starting right in the mission field of Minot (I'll work on Omaha, Nebraska--it'll be easier for me). We all have to do our part and each one of us is a different component of the church. Remember, the mission of the church isn't efficient if it doesn't have all of the components. Be the component!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jeremy Meier