Have you ever had one of those moments in your life when you read something or heard someone speak that it absolutely ruined you? Ruined, in this context, basically means "wrecked". Have you? I'm in an interesting season of my life right now. I have seminary on my mind, getting ready to retire from the military (hopefully in just a few months!), and the move back to be with my wife and kids. The next 6-months of my life certainly will be interesting.
My problems are so insignificant. I was studying today and came across what I have now claimed to be my life's verse and it absolutely wrecked me. This isn't the first time I've come across this passage, though. I remember writing a short commentary on the first chapter of Romans in early 2015 when verse 20 hit me as if were a Mack truck going 60 miles an hour and my feet were stuck in hardened concrete. Time stood still for several minutes as I digested this verse and what it meant. As a passionate advocate for discipleship, both inside and outside of the church, this verse ruined me. I suppose it would now be appropriate to share with you the verse:
But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
Romans 1:19-20
I added verse 19 to provide some level of context (verse 20 is in bold). Can you see why I was wrecked by this verse? What is Paul saying here? I have heard many times from people that if someone doesn't ever hear the Gospel then they cannot be held accountable by God for not following Him. That is a myth. Paul clearly demonstrates—and a walk outside would also demonstrate—the beauty of God's creation. There is no explanation as to how this universe came to be except by God commanding it to be (Genesis 1). So, what's the point, right? I get it; you may be inpatient just like me at times. Okay, we'll get to the nuts and bolts of this post then.
God exists...that's the point. Even people in faraway lands who have never heard the Gospel are not immune to the fact that God exists. Okay, so now that we have established the existence of God, what now? What's the big deal? The existence of God through creation is reason enough for God to judge. People will be held accountable if they do not respond to His knowledge. Are you picking up what I'm putting down here? The birds, trees, ocean, stars—everything on earth—is reason enough to know God exists. What does that mean for you, the follower of Christ?
We are commanded to make disciples of all nations, right (Matthew 28:18-20)? As followers of Christ, our job is to make other followers of Christ. In order to do our job, we have to GO and make disciples. Understanding the existence of God is a great start; however, people still have to respond to the Gospel message and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. There isn't any other way around this. This blog won't save anyone from going to hell; only their acceptance of Jesus' free gift of salvation will save them. So while understanding that God exists is important, nothing is more important than KNOWING God lives and accepting Jesus' free gift.
Here's the bottom line: we Christians must go (whether it's in your neighborhood, school, workplace, or overseas) and share Jesus. According to Paul, everyone in this world knows God exists so unless they respond to the Gospel message, they won't be saved. We have to do our part. Are you ready to go? What has God placed on your heart for the unchurched? The unsaved? The outsiders? Are you willing to go where God leads?
Don't pass up an opportunity to share Jesus with someone—ever. What do you say we keep the party popping in Heaven (Luke 15:10)?!
In Christ,
Pastor Jeremy Meier