Discipleship Part 1

A little down time at work means I get the wonderful opportunity to worship God through song and study! No matter how crummy your day is, worshipping God makes everything so much easier. Dig into your Bible today and reply to this post on what you took away from your study. Let's start getting deliberate with our faith.

You know, Matthew 28 spells out our job description as a Christ follower: ...to MAKE disciples. How many of us are church GOERS instead of church DOERS? I hope no one says they are just a goer, but the fact is that only 17.3% of Americans go to church on Sunday. If we do a rough calculation, that means approximately 55 million out of 315 million go to church every Sunday. Let's look at that a little differently: 260 million people DO NOT attend church. What's the deal with that? I would argue that part of the problem is that while some go to church, they don't necessarily "do" church. What do I mean by that? I mean being deliberate disciples for Christ. Sharing the Gospel with people you know--and those that you don't. We (the people) are the church, not the building, land, or anything structurally--WE are the church. We must fix this trend of only having 17.3% attend church each week.

What are you going to do this week to do your part in creating disciples?

Yours in Christ,