Discipleship Part 5

I will not be satisfied until You are glorified!

That is the context of today’s message. I was listening to a song by Melissa How who is a prophetic worship artist (you should check out some of her music!) and came across a song in which she sang the title of this message: “I will not be satisfied until You are glorified!” Are we satisfied? Have we accepted the status quo? Do we glorify God every Sunday and Wednesday and push Him aside every other day of the week? Maybe, maybe not. If we have to think too hard about that, than I fear it’s the former.

The goal of a Christ follower is to live EVERY SINGLE day for Jesus—to glorify Him. Let’s be honest and transparent for a minute. We all struggle with that. We do. I do. No matter how hard we try to mimic Jesus, we come up short sometimes. You know what? It’s okay. We are sinners by nature and will fall off the saddle every once in a while. God’s love is abundant and forgiving. Confess your shortcomings and you will be cleansed (1 John 1:9) then jump back in the saddle and glorify God.

So, what does this have to do with my current theme of being a deliberate disciple for Jesus Christ? Well, that’s a pretty simple question to answer. I believe that being a deliberate disciple for Jesus Christ glorifies Him. We are doing the work in which He commanded us in Matthew 28, The Great Commission. Now, what I should have done in the very first post is to place my definition of deliberate disciple, so here goes:

     Deliberate: Intentional
   Disciple: Professed follower of Christ

Now when I say deliberate disciple for Jesus, I’m saying that we need to be an INTENTIONAL PROFESSED FOLLOWER OF JESUS CHRIST. Confused? I’ll try to break it down.

Jesus said that we must go out and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). As a Christ follower, that is our job description, written by our boss, Jesus. To be a deliberate disciple of Jesus Christ is to follow his commands, in this instance in particular, I’m referring to MAKING disciples. My former church had a little catch phrase for this: BOMO; be one, make one (be a disciple, make a disciple). Being a deliberate disciple for Jesus Christ is to make disciples; to help other people come to know the truth of Jesus Christ and therefore, make disciples themselves—it’s a beautiful, never ending circle. Unfortunately, creating disciples has not been the Christian’s strongest quality.

It’s time to change that…and I mean right this second. Let’s put this into modern context. You are hired to do a job and for that job, you are given a description of the work to be completed. After satisfactorily completing the job, you are given a paycheck. The same is true for creating disciples (again, our job as Christians). Jesus spelled out our job description (Matthew 28:16-20) and the moment we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we agreed to the job description (whether you knew what the Great Commission was or not). Now, Christian, we just follow through with the duties outlined in our job description because Jesus has already given us our “paycheck” (Romans 3:23; Romans 5:1; Ephesians 2:8-9; John 14:6; John 1:12; Titus 3:5; Galatians 3:26). We absolutely must dismiss the status quo and the comfort that we have come to know and instead make disciples of all nations. You’ll be rejected and possibly admonished, but you must persevere. Testing of one’s faith produces perseverance (James 1:2-4).

Today’s post was a little bit more direct that the previous posts, but I am an unashamed passionate follower of Jesus Christ and it truly hurts my heart when we (me included) don’t follow through with our job as Christians. We cannot be satisfied until HE is glorified!

Make it a point today to plant the seed of Jesus in someone’s heart; then, follow-up with continuous prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17). God bless you!

Yours in Christ,