Discipleship Part 6

Heaven is sweet, Hell is hot;
You’re going to die;
Ready or not! 

That is the context of today’s message.  Have you ever thought about where you’ll go once your time on this earth is over?  For many Christians, the answer to that question is “yes.”  Unfortunately, many “Christians” have an answer to that question but may not understand what the question is actually asking.  Perhaps their belief is that they will be buried on the side of a beautiful hill overlooking breathtaking scenery.  Or, maybe they have already picked their final resting place in a cemetery plot next to a loved one that passed away before them.  That’s not the type of answer I’m referring to.
I’m asking you—yes, you—if you know for certain that when your time on earth is done if you are certain that you will be going to heaven?  For some, this may be a difficult question to answer.  Maybe you think that you’ve done too many “wrongs” in this life to make it through the “pearly gates.”  All those failed relationships, nights overindulging yourself with alcohol, or bad choices you’ve made have permanently blocked your way to heaven, you think.  Well, thankfully our God is an amazing and forgiving God (Matthew 6:14-15; 1 John 1:9; Isaiah 43:25-26; Acts 3:9; 2 Corinthians 5:17) that stands ready to forgive all that you have done in life.  He holds no grudges and is prepared to wash your sins clean with His blood spilled on the cross—the only thing you have to do is ask Him.
Sometimes as Christians we can get in a “rut” and may question whether our actions, or sometimes our inactions, will prevent us from receiving God’s forgiveness.  Now, think of a time before you received Christ as your Lord and Savior.  Think hard.  Now, think of that one person you’ve been praying continuously about to receive God’s free gift of salvation.  Are you thinking of that person?  Good.  You, Christian, was once that person.  What kind of questions do you think they have about all the “junk” that they have on their hearts?
Being a deliberate disciple for Jesus Christ doesn’t mean that we have all the answers, but it does mean that we have the manual of answers to our friend’s questions.  2 Timothy 4:2 tells us that we must be ready “…in season and out of season…” to preach the Gospel.  We are all dying—it’s a fact.  Some will go before others but the question remains…what did you do as a deliberate disciple for Jesus Christ?  Whether the “lost” of this world is “ready or not,” they too are dying.  They’re time on this earth, just like ours, is uncertain.  We must be deliberate disciples for Jesus Christ every single day as if it’s our last day on earth.  Our time is running short…what are you going to do today to be Jesus’ disciple?